Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Due Diligence

    2. Standard of Care

    3. Enviromental Impact

    4. Material Handling

    5. Assess Your Knowledge

    1. Your Equipment & Pre-Season Routes

    2. Pre-Season Route (cont'd)

    3. Flags & Marking

    4. Assess Your Knowledge

    1. Safety

    2. Basic Driving Concepts

    3. Avoiding Fatigue

    4. Assess Your Knowledge

    1. Managing a Winter Event

    2. Plowing Best Practices

    3. Plowing Parking Lots

    4. Productivity & Hazards

    5. Responsible Operation

    6. Assess Your Knowledge

    1. Salt Management

    2. Spreading Salt

    3. Assess Your Knowledge

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content