Course curriculum

    1. How to Make the Most of This Course

    2. Before We Begin...

    1. Introduction

    2. Due Diligence

    3. Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA)

    4. The Ham Report

    5. Scenario Review

    6. Test Your Learning

    1. Rules & Regulations

    2. Scenario Review

    3. Employer Duties

    4. Supervisor Duties

    5. Workers Duties

    6. Test Your Learning

    1. Scenario Review

    2. Common Hazards in the Workplace

    3. Physical Hazards

    4. Dealing with Workplace Hazards

    5. Inspections

    6. Test Your Learning

    1. Inspections - What to Expect

    2. Inspector Powers

    3. An Employer's Story

    4. Event Discussion

    5. Written Records

    6. Test Your Learning

    1. Final Exam

    2. Before You Go...

About this course

  • $247.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content